We are IMI

We are born with the purpose of opening new horizons to those who break barriers, overcome challenges, do not feel intimidated and go after their goals.

Every immigrant defines himself by his nationality, his culture, his language, his food, and now by his own digital wallet.


IMI partners

We recognize that the world does not have barriers anymore, and that it became a small place, but there is still much to discover. 


We add our free-spirit, the knowledge of the best practices of the financial world, and the daily needs of the immigrants and their families in order to create a hub of financial services that embraces the immigrant’s reality.


Governed by transparency, respect, cooperation and efficiency, we shape IMI.

Access to financial services is not a challenge to the immigrant anymore

We offer a new way to safely save your money, to withdraw it whenever you want to, send remittances without needing to go to a physical store and also receive from abroad directly into your account. If you need to pay an invoice or withdraw money, use IMI.


It is easy, fast and secure. It is in your language. It is IMI.

We are always here

You can always count on us: we have customer service channels, Whatsapp, social media, and all the attention in the world to help you. Come talk to us!

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